This is the only service I offer that has nothing to do with digital marketing. I offer it because I’m good at it, and because it is so important to have a good writer produce your technical documentation. It’s equally important to have a writer who is used to collaborating with technical people. A writer who knows what she doesn’t know, and isn’t afraid to ask questions.
Your technical documentation should be written for humans. For people who don’t have technical brains, or for those who don’t want to have to decipher coded language.
Don't Make them Think
One digital content writers’ rule of thumb works here too – don’t make the reader think. To achieve this in technical documentation, we break ideas down into bite-size, action-oriented steps. In other words, we:
Break it down Break it down Break it down.
The end result is a step-by-step guide with images, as necessary, to help your users get what they need from your product or service.
Collaborating with Subject Matter Experts
When I work on a technical writing project, I typically work directly with subject matter experts, so that they can take me through the process of using your product or service. During this time, I take notes and ask questions. The goal is for me to understand the product as you do, so that I can communicate that information to users.
Ready to get started?
Contact Lauren for help with your technical writing project.